Welcome to my dungeon im fable (or usah if ya want), and im a cringy teenager with an obsession with too many things at once! I love usahana (as i based this website off her), but i honestly am a giant fan of sonic, tmnt, and roblox games like regretevator and phighting! My aesthetics are crazy varying, but i dont really mind! You'll find that this website has SO MANY CODING PROJECTS and a bunch of collections and hoards, and will update as often as i am able! Honestly this site is mostly a personal website than anything else, so if you stick around then.. woah!! !!! I also absolutely love weird shit, so you might find yourself down a rabbit hole of "wtf is this" somewhere... hehe .. OH and there DEFINITELY will be alot of coding projects and maybe even templates for people to snatch on up! idk! maybe! i'll see where the wind takes me.. eheheheheh

Do you want to sign my guest book?!?!

dont have one! heres a cat instead :3